Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I have gone upstairs..

This would be funny only if you saw it. So attaching the picture.

This is the story. I had gone out for sometime and when I came back I saw the door as shown in the picture. The door is latched and there are some grass bits sticking out of it. I had no clue what it was, when Memi came running. He said: “Chetta I had gone upstairs”

I asked what the grass stuff was doing on the door.

Memi first explained the latch.

"You see the latch pointing up? That means I went up. If it was down, I would have been downstairs."

"How the hell would I know that?"

"I knew you wouldnt", he said happily. "So I brought the grass strands."


"Look I made it in the shape of an arrow to point upwards."

"Which means you are up?"

"Yes", he said smiling brightly.


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